protocol infiltrationprocedure 01
may the flight be on our side

above: entrance 01
watchers are to be sent in, report and note down weaknesses that may lead to cause the innards to be exposed
currently the wall is indestructiblehope

dry lydium capsules are made and marked on items. lydium cancels out the vantage span of S-1. S-2 is currently inactive. however, lydium couldnt cover the sensors buried under. trial 0026 has resulted in

    code for camouflage
    0 days, 0 hours, 13 minutes and 52 seconds

    five fully armed squardons

    textNo further damaged reported ever since 0517
    unstable energy flow
    redirected to stabilizer
    no one must know about the third
    currently protected, under constant surveillance inside of Ezeka
    abandoned cavern
    end of log

    textdue to the devastating use of the citizens. the core has corrupted and ever since then fall apart. all attempts resulted in failure. the core has vanished. nothing can bring it back.after its death. it revealed something. sinister. evil. a bomb waiting patiently for a millenium just to be ignited. a silent snake waiting to strike.ember

    We dont have much time left before this implant gets discovered by the Infiltration directorsThere is a third, however, its kept in a location that we couldnt found.
    We will try to keep this message short, it will be only a matter of time before they come back again. The goverment was never real. Only Guardians. They are far more dangerous than we thought they are. I never suspected a thing ever since the Rise. It was a fatal mistake. Even if I have time to warn people about it. No, they would still be too brainwashed to listen.
    Heres a list of what you need to be aware of:
    > The Third Core is safe and unharmed
    > The goverment was puppetted by The Guardians
    > They are more dangerous than we thought
    > Something is happening in Amethyst
    > 0026 was a procedure planned out by Infiltration directors, covering the soldiers entirely with Lydium to avoid triggering the censors. They never knew that S-1 responds more rapidly to living beings rather than just automated subjects. This Structure pointed out that it responds to moving objects, and static objects, and the coverage of Lydium is the weakpoint of the Structure. But when used with a being the size of a regular citizen, Lydium is proven to be useless. The hard way around. This caused a tremendous lost for the families as well as the directors. 0026 marks the 26th attempt of breaking into Gate 01
    > As you already knew, colors are used to warn and indicate certain things. But its not just the standard 10-colors that you probably learn in schools or in live broadcasts about citizen safeties. Let me give you a quick example:
    O=The lost of something/somebody
    O=Something is hidden nearby, usually blending in with the environment
    O=Emergency procedure
    O=Vital data
    O=6 bnb nhdrt yklnfsdhyxil yu gfjdrt huyjh jf6t799ov9i54by
    -P and X
    We will return and paste more information here.
    Or if The Mole can get through.